Creative Minds

The art of Creation – Being creative is at the heart of everything we do ! From clothing designs to Eliquid creation we plan on connecting …. through difference.

Celebrating our differences and embracing those differences in an attempt to bring people together – We live in uncertain times and that fact alone is what awoke the Beast. Our children will look back on these times with despair, and hopefully when questioned what we did through “Those Times” we can turn around and say ” We did stuff “

We took to Youtube

The daunting task at hand – We ain’t no experts. Roll the camera and go! Our journey has been a weird one … no experience necessary, we had never undertaken a task as large as this. Overcoming fears is important in life. Never the less we have gained respect and friendships throughout this adventure, from reviews “We ain’t no reviewers” to live mixing aimed at helping those willing to take the plunge into a better lifestyle, and eventually allowing the public “yes you” sample our creative energy through products.



Brave Design And Ethos.

Being unapologetically you is important, breaking the stigma of keeping your mouth shut and conforming to what is “normal” just doesn’t vibe well with us. Our marketing, hell our brand is a reflection of us, our thoughts and dreams. Why restrict that ! You won’t see normal, you won’t see the same old same old with Live Lounge.



Quirky folk unite – Chris and Pete make a great team …. Chris the quirky generous God with a dark soul, and Pete the realist creative daring, dashingly handsome mixologist ( I’m writing this so we will allow it ) massive wanger to boot ! Chris is co-owner of the Rituals and Pete is an unpaid genious … thems the facts.




Welcome on our journey – Join in the discussion wherever you may see us knowing it is truely appreciated


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Don’t worry, we don’t have time to send you spammy emails even if we really wanted to. We’re too busy making quirky, creative products.